Oral Presentation Submission Guideline
● Presentation Time: 10 minutes (Presentation 7 minutes, Discussion 3 minutes)
● Note: Presentation slides are limited to 10.
- Lecture slides should be typed in English.
- Lecture presentations can be presented by the presenter in either English or Korean.
- All materials (lecture slides, photo, CV) submitted will be published in print.
- Please fill out the attached file named lecture slides, photo, CV and uploaded to our official website(https://www.kes.or.kr/edu/invited_lecture_gate.html?num=50)
- To check the program schedule, please vist the official KEC 2025 website
The best Oral presentation will be awarded at the end of the congress on June 21 and the awardee will receive a reward with a certificate. Thus, the awardee needs to stay until the end of the congress.