Welcome Message

Soo Ahn Chae
Congress President
Chung-Ang University Hospital
President's Greeting at the Korean Epilepsy Society Annual Conference
Dear esteemed colleagues and friends,
It is my great honor to welcome you all to the 30th Korean Epilepsy Congress (KEC 2025), organized by Korean Epilepsy Society in Seoul, during June 20-21 2025. This event marks a significant opportunity for us to come together as a community of researchers, clinicians, and advocates in the field of epilepsy to share knowledge, discuss advancements, and collaborate on improving the care and lives of those affected by epilepsy.
Epilepsy, as we know, is a neurological disorder that affects more than 50 million people worldwide, yet despite the progress made in research and treatment, many challenges remain. KEC serves as a platform to address these challenges, explore innovative approaches, and push the boundaries of what we know about epilepsy and its treatment.
Over the two days, we will have the privilege of hearing from leading experts in the field, engaging in stimulating discussions, and learning about the latest breakthroughs in epilepsy research and clinical practice. I encourage all of you to take full advantage of this opportunity, not only to gain new insights but also to foster collaborations that will help advance the understanding and management of epilepsy.
I hope KEC 2025 will inspire each of us to continue our collective efforts to improve the lives of those living with epilepsy.
Horizons of Hope:
Strengthening Young Researchers and Collaboration in Epilepsy

Seoul Dragon City Hotel, Korea
June 20-21, 2025
Keynote Speakers

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